Friday, April 5, 2013

Daily ramblings- 5th Of April 13

Helloooooooooo everyone ;D

Today I will be talking about one of my craze!  I am a shoeholic! (Aneez-my crazy friend can confirm:p). Loveeee shoes, love buying them, specially the one with heels.  I like the classic ones, you know, like a unique simple design, which I can pretty dress up or down.  Got two heels with glitterz or pearls which I save for special occasion like wedding functions and all.  The rest, sandals with heels, and the gorgeous classic ones.

Recently, I bought one, in grey colour (well, I did not own any in that colour! My awesome excuse :p haha), from Orchid Shoes, which was on sale!! :D.

Speaking of that pair of shoes, made me remember, I passed by that shop the day before, not stopping, since I was in a hurry. But hoping it would still be there, the next time I get there. Well, God made my wish come true :D yayy thankss God!

THIS made me remember another incident lol, yea about shoes itself. We were at woolworth (Aneez and me), window shopping:p. We came across a cute red ballerina. 800 bucks.  But we did not buy it that day and we did regret that lol. It was soooo cute. Well, its okay..we shall get more gorgeous shoes in the future ;D.

I just need an inexpensive black ballerina and am ready to go.  It's not that urgent for the time being. Since been travelling only by car lol (akoz la pluie torrentiels :ss).

Jummah Mubarak friends :).  It's always peaceful to pray, to feel connected to God.  To thank Him for all the favours He bestowed on us. Alhamdulillah.  I am thankful for many things. For being safe in the first place.  For having food, shelter, clothes. Alhamdulillah.  Thinking of the less fortunate, do make us realise how blessed we are and so loved by Allah :).

What are you thankful for? And what's your craze? ;D

Yours Shoefully :p,


Aneez said...

Hehee nice post, Yeah shoes :), We just cant go bagatelle without entering woolworth lolz.. too bad for red ballerina lolz.. I got so many craze.. my latest craze is bracelets :p.. keep blogging :), <3 <3

Amaryllis said...

Awww thanks Aneez for always leaving me sweet comments :)))
You got to show me ur new bracelets :DD
love blogging.. will try to write more often <3