Tuesday, December 19, 2017

My skincare routine - Quite a solid one, I must say!

Hello guys,

I trust you are fine.

Well, am writing on a lighter note right now, after having posted about my beloved cat, who passed away today.  You may read about it in my previous post.

So yeah, after documenting myself and research, consulting experts, trials and others, I am quite happy with my now skin care routine.

First of all, let me tell you that I such a skin care junkie.  I would rather splurge on skincare rather than makeup.

But wait, you need not splurge! I did some homework and here I am.

Step One: Cleanse your skin.

  • I normally start with coconut oil and melt down my sunscreen or makeup, if I am wearing any.  Please note that I rarely wear makeup.  Foundation is nearly non-existent in my daily routine. 
  • After that, i rinse my face with tepid water. 
  • I then take my cleansing milk, apply to my hand and then apply to my face.  Avoiding my eye area.
  • I massage upwards into my skin.  I then rinse it off.
  • This step is known as double cleanse. It is recommended to remove your sunscreen.  The oil breaks down the sunscreen.  Else it will clog your pores.
Step two: Tone your skin
  • I do dry my face
  • I then take a cotton pad and apply rose water (which do not contain alcohol). Oh wait, I must check if ever it does contain fragrance.   If it does, I need to look for another alternative. Fragrance is a strict no-no.
  • I let dry few minutes.
  • I then apply my moisturiser on the back of my hand.
  • I apply some to my cheeks, upward motion.  Massage in, specially around the corner of my nose, well all dry places.  I lightly apply under my eyes I well.  Note that, one shouldnt apply heavy cream under the eyes, as it can cause milia.  That is tiny white dots.
  • Eyecream is a myth.  However, I got one from the Body shop, so far, it hasnt caused any milia.  So, am using it until it finishes. 
  • I also like to apply the Garnier eye roll under my eyes, to depuff.  The one from India.  
  • Then, as my moisturiser has sinked in.  I then apply my sunscreen.  Guilty of not applying the sunscreen daily.  I plead guilty!
  • I must continue to apply it daily as from now.  Sun is our biggest enemy when it comes to our skin.  It is the main aging factor.
  • It is also very important to choose which type of moisturiser you are using.  However as we age, our skin tend to lose water, thus resulting in drier skin.  We need to compensate that loss.  I suggest cream with hyaluronic acid.  A hemuctant which helps to compensate for loss of water. Then on top of it, apply your usual moisturiser.
  • I do not apply powder.  I know my skin get kind of oily.  I rarely powder it.
  • Then, apply your khol, eyeliner, mascara.  And favourite lipstick.
  • Do not forget to moisturise your hand as well.  I do not apply sunscreen to my hands.  I need to do so :o.

Eat vegetables and fruits.  Specially those which contains high percentage of water.  As well drink lots of water to eliminate toxins.  



The day my cat passed away

Dear friends,

It is with a heavy heart that I am sharing my feelings with you all.  Today my adorable cat 'Safa' passed away.  She was so beautiful mashaallah!  She was my sweet companion of so many months.  May Allah (s.w.t) grant her Jannah inshaaAllah. 

We buried her quickly.  My lovely cat.  How I miss you.  You were my love, my sweetheart, my heart aches when I think of you.  I pray to Allah that we'll be together in Jannah inshaaAllah.  I hope that I gave you enough love and care, affection, always caress you. 

You will be forever missed my love. 

My love for animal, for cats, taught me that everything is definitely temporary in this world.  One day, we shall all taste death.  Special thoughts for my beloved dadi, who passed away this year.  Our last living grandparent.  May Allah (s.w.t) grant her Jannah inshaaAllah.

May we all be reunited with our beloved in Jannah.  For this life is nothing but temporary.

I end my post now.  Make the most of your time with your loved one, for tomorrow is not promised.

I love you my cat, Safa. Forever. 

It's a painful goodbye my love.  You''ll be in my heart forever.



Sunday, April 23, 2017

Skin care - Must haves (sunscreen)

Hi friends,

Trust you all doing good!

This sunscreen is one of my recent purchase.  I would rate it as 8/10.

- Good value for money

For rs555, you get 475ml of products. Quite a good deal, isn't it.

- It's spf 60!
- Sunblock lotion with aloe and vitamin E
- Water and sweat resistant

Nice texture but bit sticky, and can get a little oily after a few hours.

Overall, it's a good find and I highly recommend it.

You can find it at your local pharmacy.

Mehnaz 😉

Back on track ;D

Dear readers,


Sorry for being missing in action since couple of months.  Wait, I will tell you what happened!

So yeah, it's now 2017 lol.. OMG, how time flies.
This year, my goals are to connect to God a lot more, offer my prayers regularly, do charity, work hard, work smart ;).. and get my hand into new stuffs!

I will keep you updated about new stuffs I am trying to get my hands on.. share my reviews and let you know about new finds.

A la prochaine!
