Saturday, June 16, 2012

Broken tea mug= New mug :)

Sadly, my mug broke up :(.. It was a sweet gift from Aneez, my crazy friend ^^.  So thoughtful:)! She gifted it to me during the month of December last year :)..

I have been using this mug regularly.. It was a white one with my name written on it :D.. Such a cute gift:)..

But as I already told ya, its now broken snifz! Aneez said she gonna gift me another one:).. How sweet:D

Today, I went to Jumbo Hypermarket (Mauritius) and chose a beautiful ceramic mug and bought it.  This mug will keep me company until my next one ;)..

Here's a picture of my new mug. :)

Isn't it cute? :D Can you read 'pear'? lol.. I love the colours :D.

Just a quick note: It's winter down Mauritius!

I usually choose my stuffs delicately and am very particular about designs, cuteness and sweetness:P.. yes I know, that's very girly :D..

Speaking of designs, I am thinking of revamping my bedroom. I want to give it a touch of vintage.  My tiles are greenish in colour and my furnitures are chocolate brown and wheatish in colour.  I am strongly considering of changing my curtains LOL.. for I believed that this change will definitely spice up the whole look.  I so love colours:) but I like to keep my walls white lol.. that's the paradox.  So, to sum up, I will say that I will "accessorize" my bedroom while keeping the same furnitures or maybe add some more and also keep my walls white:).

Oh, btw, I love tea and coffee!

What's your favourite?

On this same note, let's enjoy a hot cup of coffee! :)

Amaryllis ^^

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tested Recipe: Fondant au chocolat

Today, my cousin and I made a 'fondant au chocolat'.  :D, which turned out to be YUMMY!

We tried this recipe:).  It is a very easy one and can be tried by anyone, chef or not :p..

So, let's get started! 'A vos casseroles' :P..

I will be writing the recipe in French, anyone non-familiar with this language can translate them through google translator.  I assure you, it's worth! :)

                                                                            La recette

8 personnes:
  • 200 g chocolat noir
  • 150 g beurre
  • 150 g sucre en poudre
  • 50 g farine
  • 3 oeufs
  • Preparation : 15 mins
  • Cooking time : 25 mins
So, plan beforehand:).

1. Passer le beurre au micro-ondes pendant 10 secs, il vous sera plus facile de le travailler par la suite.

2. Dans une casserole, vous cassez le chocolat en morceaux auxquels vous ajoutez 3 cuillères à soupe d'eau, et vous mettez le tout à fondre à feu moyen au bain-marie (càd dans une casserole plus grande remplie d'eau).

3. Dans un saladier, vous travaillez, à l'aide d'une cuillère en bois ou d'un batteur électrique , le beurre mou  auquel vous ajoutez le sucre en poudre, et vous continuez de remuer jusqu'à ce que le mélange devienne léger et onctueux.

Ajoutez alors les oeufs un à un en alternant avec la farine.
Conseil : il faut remuer et travailler bien la pâte entre chaque oeuf et chaque apport de farine, jusqu'à incorporation complète de ces éléments dans la pâte. Pour rendre la pâte plus homogène, vous pouvez également donner un petit coup de batteur électrique.

4. Ensuite, vous incorporez à ce mélange le chocolat fondu en remuant bien avec une cuillère. Vous beurrez alors votre moule, vous y versez la pâte et vous le faites cuire au four, préchauffé à 150°C, pendant 25 à 30 minutes.

5. Placer le sucre glacé sur le dessus du gâteau une fois que celui-ci à totalement refroidi.
    Ce gâteau se sert froid.

Actuce: Pour vérifier la qualité de la cuisson, il vous suffit d'enfoncer une lame de couteau au centre du gâteau : il faut alors que de petits morceaux de fondant à peine cuits demeurent accrochés à la lame.

Fondant au chocolat

"Il est légèrement croustillant sur le dessus et fondant à l'intérieur, il se mange à toute heure, au moment des petits creux, et accompagné d'une crème anglaise, il constitue un dessert très raffiné."

Bon appetit!

Amaryllis ^^ 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Recipe: Chocolate Cake

Yummy:D.. If you love to bake, just like me, this will definitely interest you;)

Just found this recipe on facebook! Thought of sharing it with you! I can't wait to try this recipe out:).
If you do, blog about it:D..

Recipe courtesy: Hershey's 

2 cups sugar
 1-3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
1 cup milk
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup boiling water

Heat oven to 350°F. Grease and flour two 9-inch round baking pans.

Stir together sugar, flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt in large bowl. Add eggs, milk, oil and vanilla; beat on medium speed of electric mixer 2 minutes. Stir in boiling water. Pour batter into prepared pans.

Bake 30 to 35 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center comes out almost clean and the top springs back when touched gently. Cool 10 minutes; remove from pans to wire racks. Cool completely. Frost with CHOCOLATE FUDGE FROSTING. 8 to 10 servings.


3/4 cup (1-1/2 sticks) butter or margarine, melted
1 cup HERSHEY'S Cocoa
4 cups powdered sugar
1/2 cup milk
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

 1. Place melted butter in large mixer bowl. Add cocoa, stirring until smooth.

 2. Gradually beat in powdered sugar, milk and vanilla, beating until smooth. If necessary add additional milk, 1/2 teaspoon at a time, beating until spreading consistency. About 3 cups frosting.

Chocolate Cake: Courtesy Foodilicious

Done! Bon appetit!

Chocolately yours,

Amaryllis (",)

Perfect escape from daily life

It's always so good to spend the weekend with families.

Among all the moments spent with the family over weekend, I will be blogging about a recent outing we made during the month of May 2012.

I had some family visiting us from France and those are the times where family outings are a must.

We went to Mare aux Vacoas, Alexander Falls and Flic en Flac Beach.

Mare aux Vacoas, being the largest reservoir in Mauritius, supply water to the upper Plaines Wilhems and Moka district.

We took some pictures over there.  My nephews and niece were delighted.  With the mini photoshoot over, we got back to the van and travelled to our next spot.

Here is a sneak peek of Mare aux Vacoas.

 Our next spot, the Alexander falls, is a well-known tourist spot, famous for its viewpoint.
The green scenery is awesome!!

We then went to the beach, at Flic en Flac, where we ate and ofcourse went for a stroll on the sand.
Speaking of sand, my brothers, , cousins and me, made sand castles :D.. A flashback of childhood days :D!!

Unfortunately, I did not take pictures of the sand castles.

What's your perfect escape from daily life?

Yours 'Beach'fully,

Amaryllis ^^

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Favourite Treats

I am a chocolate lover. Yes, I confess.

I cannot say that I got a sweet tooth since I usually do not like sugary food and I normally drink my tea without sugar.  But there are some sweet treats which I cannot resist.

My favourites chocolates of the moment are: Twix, Snickers, Hello Panda and M&M's. :D

I am also digging on the TimTam Chocolate Biscuit, the yoghurt 'Cueillette' from Maurilait Company, Mauritius and 'piq & croq' from 'La vache qui rit'.

I believe that a picture speak a thousand words.

I cannot end my post without showing you the pictures ^^.

Hello Panda, Twix, M&M's, Snickers

Tim Tam

Yoplait Cueillette

Piq & Croq - La Vache qui rit

What are your favourite treats? (",)

Showing some love,

Amaryllis <3

Friday, June 8, 2012

Shopping spree (?)

So yes, as much as I love baking, I also love shopping :D.. well, who does not?  This makes me remember the film 'Confession of a shopaholic' lol.. which my friend (Aneez) lent me, saying that I got similarities to the character played by the actress in the movie hehe.. Quite true, but to a lesser extent.

I accompanied my father to the capital of my island (Mauritius), Port Louis, this Wednesday, for some work.  As soon as we ended, I could not resist going to one of my favourite boutique where I usually buy my scarfs and hijaabs accessories.

I ended buying 4 beautiful scarfs, 4 underscarfs, which dad helped me to choose and also a headband:).

Underscarfs help in keeping the scarf in place, usually worn under the scarf as the name describe it.

As for the headband, it is to accessorize my hijaabs :). 

I also featured a black scarf I bought a day before at another boutique.  I usually tie this scarf in a turban inspired style with the neck covered.  I will put pictures of this hijaab style later on ;).  So, watch out :D!

I normally go for soft scarves, medium to large sizes.  I make sure that it will cater for good coverage and choose those that I can style easily.  Thus, I avoid slippery ones.

I love prints, rich colours, cute designs, with or without tassles and also crinkled and not crinkled as well. 

You might be wondering how I chose which hijaab to wear among my mountain of hijaabs:p
So, basically, if am wearing a colourful hijaab, I choose monochrome clothing.  I then complete my outfit with matching accessories, usually bold ones, a handbag and a cute pair of shoes:D.

If my hijaab is a simple one, I go for bold coloured clothing.  

I love the way scarfs dress up an outfit at a fairly inexpensive price.

Shopping always makes me happy:D.

Let me show you what I bought on that day ^^.

Hold your breathe ;)..

                                 Preview of the 4 scarfs, black scarf, underscarfs and  headband.

First one: Pink, Black and White cheeta prints

Second one: Circles prints

Third one: Heart prints

Forth one: Vintage prints

Black scarf bought a day before at Rose Hill, Mauritius

Overview of the black scarf

The 4 underscarfs- Beige, Brown, Black, Green
Underscarfs- Green with silvery design

The Headband :)

Top view of the headband
 Yours 'scarf'ully( ^^),

Amaryllis ;)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Cheese Cake

Desserts:).. The mere thought of it brings water to our mouth already! Isn't it?
Worldwide, it is a course that typically comes at the end of a meal, usually consisting of a sweet food.

So, apart from blogging and shopping :p, I highly love pastry!

I love to bake and try new recipes regularly =).. The techniques, the sequence involved in baking does not fail to amaze me all the time! I enjoy every minute of it.

So, yes, yesterday, I made a cheese cake.  Before, I was quite reluctant to buy a cheese cake since I always had the idea that it would be sour.  Contrary to what I thought, it is very sweet :D.

Briefly, cheesecake is a dessert consisting of a topping made of soft, fresh cheese, usually on a crust or base made from biscuit.

I let you appreciate this dessert through pictures! ^^

Side view of the cheese cake

A slice :)

Side view of the slice

                                                                              Enjoy ^^

Until next time,


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A comeback

Hi friends,

It is with immense pleasure to announce you all that am back on track.  I have been thinking of re-entering the blogging world since some days. And Voila! Am here =).

Not a day pass by, without me reading an article from a blog somewhere,or anywhere.. just to let you get an idea of how much i love reading and writing!

I will be sharing interesting stuffs from my daily activities.. what I read, reviews and pictures:).
In short, it will consist of daily ramblings of my life! I believe that it is one perfect place to share some of my thoughts.

I will be blogging about some topics like: Islam, Hijaabs (scarfs), Clothes, Shoes, Makeups, Cooking and fashion in general =).

So, stay tuned and watch this space!

Much love,

P.S: Please ignore previous copy pasted posts as I wish to keep them since they are memories for me:).
Thanks for understanding. =)